Posted on May 12, 2011January 31, 2013 By Pat May 12th is International ME/CFS–FM Awareness Day It is part of a month-long effort to increase awareness of these diseases. cheap viagra xt-align: center;”>The NJCFSA 2011 Awareness Project aims to make anesthesia & sedation safer for ME/CFS-FM patients. Packets will be mailed to Anesthesia Departments of every NJ hospital. It will include: Letter sent to Hospital Anesthesia Department Chiefs Anesthesia Info – Dr. Lapp Anesthesia Info – Dr. Cheney Anesthesia Card The info can also be found at the Anesthesia link in the left column of this site. The NJCFSA thanks Charles Lapp, MD, Paul Cheney, MD and Richard Bruno, PhD for their valuable input and their permission to share that info.