Author: Pat
ME/CFS Genes Study
NOVA University continues to enroll patients in their genes study.
Medical Scholarship Presentation
Good Day / Bad Day Pictures of Children With ME/CFS – deadline 5/20th!
The federal government is looking for Good Day/Bad Day Pictures of Children with ME/CFS to mount on a parents’ ME/CFS information website. It is part of an Information and Resources site for children with various disabilities.
The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee (CFSAC) Pediatric Working Group reviewed the revisions for the website. It is looking pretty good, but could benefit from the graphic to make the point that these kids look perfectly “normal” on a good day and look absolutely lousy when sick. Both parent and child must agree to the placement of the photos on an open-to-the-public website.
Photos are needed by Sunday night (May 20th.) Send as attachment to:
Thank you,
Kenneth J. Friedman, Ph.D.
CFSAC Pediatric Working Group