Click on Research Opps above.
Click on “Research Opps” tab above to see the latest research opportunity. June 12, 2104
Click on the “Research Opp” tab above to see the latest research opportunity. This one is for fibromyalgia patients.
In 2006, NJCFSA instituted the first scholarship in the US addressing ME/CFS. NJCFSA started the scholarship in one medical school, grew to three and is now in four NJ medical schools. The goal is to educate future physicians about this disease, which is not a part of medical school curriculum.
Bravo and thank you to all the medical students who have taken time to learn about ME/CFS through the application process. VT instituted a similar scholarship shortly after NJ. It runs in the state’s only medical school. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see ME/CFS as a standard part of curriculum at all medical schools!