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For NJ residents having difficulty paying Utility Bills
Educational Info for parents of children with ME/CFS…/omf-shares-resources-to-help-ch…/…
November 9, 2017 By Marilyn Simon-Gersuk Categories: All News, Featured news, ME in…
Researchers Identify Biomarkers Associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Severity
July 31, 2017
Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have linked chronic fatigue syndrome to variations in 17 immune-system signaling proteins, or cytokines, whose concentrations in the blood correlate with the disease’s severity.
The findings provide evidence that inflammation is a powerful driver of this mysterious condition, whose underpinnings have eluded researchers for 35 years. See full article
SSA Fraud Alert!
NEW Pediatric Primer Published!
A new Pediatric Primer has been published.
Among the esteemed authors are NJME/CFSA Trustee Kenneth Friedman, PhD and former Trustee Dr. Rosemary Underhill.
It includes info for schools (not confined to the school section), discussion of Munchausen’s by proxy, the severely affected who can’t get to school as well as handouts for schools in the appendices.…/10.33…/fped.2017.00121/full