We are please to announce that the physical contents of the NJME/CFSA was moved to a permanent home in a research center.
The donation included the resources listed below. At this time we have left the list since some resources might be available from other sources. Some of the material is outdated, but represents the history of the disease and research efforts.
NJCFSA Library serves as a clearinghouse for information about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Some of the information contained herein is intended to help persons with CFS make informed decisions about their health. However, NJCFSA, Inc. does not dispense medical advice or endorse any specific medical hypothesis, product, or practitioner and assumes no responsibility for any medical treatment or other activity undertaken by patrons of our Library.
- B1 A Life Worth Living, A Practical Guide to Living With ME, Dr. Michael Midgley (England)
- B2 Chronic Fatigue, Complete Exercise Guide, Neil F.Gordon, MD, PhD, MPH
- B3 CFIDS “An Owners Manual,” Barbara Brooks, Nancy Smith
- B4 Curing Fatigue, David S. Bell, MD
- B5 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Cookbook, Mary Hale, Chris Miller
- B6 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Getting Well Naturally, Michael T. Murray, N.D.
- B7 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, The HiddenEpidemic, Revised, Jesse A. Stoff, MD
- B8 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, The Limbic Hypothesis, Jay Goldstein, MD
- B9 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the Yeast Connection, William G. Crook, MD
- B10 Coping With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Nine Things You Can Do, Fred Friedberg, PhD
- B11 Disability Workbook For Social Security, Doug Smith
- B12 Disease of a Thousand Names, David S. Bell, MD
- B13 Doctor, Why Am I So Tired?,Richard Podell, MD
- B14 Finding Strength in Weakness, Lynn Vanderzalm
- B15 500 Tips For Coping With Chronic Illness, Pamela D. Jacobs, MS
- B16 From Fatigued to Fantastic, Jacob Teitelbaum, MD
- B17 Hope and Help for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Karyn Feiden
- B18 How To Apply for Social Security Disability If You Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Kenneth S. Casanova, Massachusetts CFIDS Assn.
- B19 Life In The Slow Lane, Terry Mosely Wood, RN
- B20 Living With Chronic Fatigue, Susan Conant, Ed.D.
- B21 Living With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Personal Story Of The Struggle For Recovery, Timothy P. Kenny
- B22 Living With ME, Dr. Charles Shepherd
- B23 Night-Side, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And The Illness Experience, Floyd Skloot
- B24 New Jersey Naturally, Resource Directory For Natural Living in New Jersey (1991)
- B25 Osler’s Web, Hillary Johnson
- B26 Politics, People And The AIDS Epidemic, And The Band Played On, Randy Shilts
- B27 Prescription Drugs, By The Editors of Consumer Guide
- B28 Recovering From Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Guide To Self Empowerment, William Collinge, PhD
- B29 Running on Empty, Katrina H. Berne, PhD–Updated Version
- B30 Slow Viruses, David Adams & Thomas Bell
- B31 Social Security, How To Get It, How To Keep It, James Ross
- B32 The Doctor’s Guide To Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, David S. Bell, MD
- B33 The New Medicine Show, By The Editors of Consumers Reports
- B34 The Struggle For Health, Jay Goldstein, MD
- B35 Tired of Being Tired, Michael A. Schmidt
- B36 Waiting To Live, Gregg Fisher
- B37 We Are Not Alone, Learning To Live With Chronic Illness, Sefra Kobrin Pitzele
- B38 When The Muscle Pain Won’t Go Away, Gayle Backstrom & Bernard Rubin
- B39 When Sleeping Beauty Wakes Up, Patt-Lind Kyle
- B40 Write Now: Maintaining A Creative Spirit While Homebound and Ill, Susan Dion, PhD
- B41 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, A Victim’s Guide To Understanding, Treating and Coping With This Debilitating Illness, Gregg Charles Fisher
- B42 The Canary and Chronic Fatigue, Majid Ali, MD
- B43 Life Stories–Coping With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, (Booklet) 13 Autobiographies Published by the CFS Association of Minnesota (1996)
- B44 The Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 3, No. 1 (1997) Co-Editors Nancy Klimas, MD & Roberto Patarca, MD, Haworth Press
- B45 The Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 3, No. 2 (1997) Co-Editors Nancy Klimas, MD & Roberto Patarca, MD, Haworth Press
- B46 Learning to Live With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Edmund Blair Bolles
- B47 Anatomy of An Illness, Norman Cousins
- B48 Love, Medicine & Miracles, Bernie S. Siegel, MD
- B49 Food As Medicine, Earl Mindell, R.Ph, PhD.
- B50 Doctor, What Should I Eat?,Isadore Rosenfeld, MD
- B51 Betrayal By The Brain, Jay A. Goldstein, MD (1996) Companion volume to Betrayal of the Brain, Katie Courmel (will need to read to understand the first book– hence, two books, one rental)
- B52 Beyond The Dark Cloud, Thea Schlosser, Biography (1996)
- B53 The CFIDS Resource Directory, The National Guide To Services For People With CFIDS,1997-1998, The CFIDS Association of America
- B54 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Charting Your Course To Recovery, Mary E. O’Brien
- B55 Clinical Management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Nancy Klimas, MD, Paul Levine, MD, & Roberto Patarca, MD (1996)
- B56 Confronting Mitral Valve Prolapse, Lyn Fredrickson
- B57 Energy Crisis: The Impact of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Judy Basso (booklet)
- B58 Examining Your Doctor, A Patient’s Guide to Avoiding Harmful Medical Care, Timothy B. McCall, MD
- B59 Face To Face With Michelle Akers, Michelle Akers & Judith A. Nelson
- B60 Fibromyalgia and Chronic Myofacial Pain Syndrome, Devin J. Starlanyl, MD & Mary Ellen Copeland
- B61 Long Night’s Journey: Coping With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Brian Lutterman (booklet)
- B62 The Rebellious Body: Reclaim Your Life From Environmental Illness and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Janice Strubbe-Wittenberg, RN(1996)
- B63 Skywriters, A Literary Journal, Vol. 7 Summer 1997 Tara Allen, Editor
- B64 When Mom Gets Sick, Lupus Foundation
- B65 America Exhausted, Breakthrough Treatments of Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Dr. Edward J. Conley (1997)
- B66 Be Sick Well, A Healthy Approach to Chronic Illness, Jeff Kane, MD
- B67 CFIDS Lite, Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome With 1/3 The Seriousness, Katrina H. Berne, PhD
- B68 Clean and Green, The Complete Guide to Nontoxic & Environmentally Safe Housekeeping, Annie Berthold-Bond
- B69 The Downhill Syndrome, If Nothing’s Wrong Why Do I Feel So Bad?, Dr. Pavel Yutis & Dr. Morton Walker (1997)
- B70 Fibromyalgia, A Handbook For Self Care & Treatment, Janet A. Hulme, MA, PT
- B71 Fibromyalgia, Managing The Pain, Mark Pellegrino, MD (2nd Edition)
- B72 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 3, No. 3 (1997) Co-Editors, Nancy Klimas, MD & Roberto Patarca, MD Haworth Medical Press
- B73 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol.. 3, No. 4 (1997) Co-Editors Nancy Klimas, MD & Roberto Patarca, MD Haworth Medical
Press - B74 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 4, No. 1 (1998) Co-Editors Nancy Klimas, MD & Roberto Patarca, MD Haworth Medical Press
- B75 Living With Chronic Illness, Days of Patience & Passion, Cheri Register
- B76 Loss of Dreams: A Special Kind of Grief, Ted Bowman (booklet)
- B77 ME….The New Plague, Jane Colby (1996)
- B78 Music Appreciation, Poemsby Floyd Skloot (PWC)
- B79 Skywriters, A Literary Journal, Vol. 8, Autum 1997, Stained Glass Press, Tara Allen, Editor
- B80 Understanding Post-Traumatic Fibromyalgia, Mark Pellegrino, MD
- B81 When I Am Weak, A Teenager’s Struggle With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Jacki Schirmer
- B82 Facing & Fighting Fatigue, A Practical Approach, Benjamin H. Natelson, MD (1998)
- B83 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, A Treatment Guide,Erica Verrillo & Lauren Gellman (1998)
- B84 Expressions Magazine, Vol.4 No.2, Spring/Summer 1998, Sefra Kobrin Pitzele, Editor, Literature & Art by People with Ongoing
Health Problems & Disabilities - B85 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1998, Co-Editors Nancy Klimas, MD & Roberto Patarca, MD, Haworth Medical Press.
- B86 Booklet “Guidelines for Schools, Understanding and Accommodating CFIDS/FMS“, Published by the National CFIDS Foundation, Inc.
- B87 The Self-Help Group Directory, New Jersey Self-Help Clearinghouse, 1997; contains a list of State Support Groups for many different
illnesses. - B88 The Self-Help Source Book – Your Guide to Community and On-Line Support Groups, Northwest Covenant Medical Center, Denville, NJ.
National Support Groups that can be contacted over the internet. - B89 Treat Your Own Back. Robin McKenzie.
- B90 Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Environmental Illness, Alternative Medicine Guide, Burton Goldberg, 1998.
- B91 Journal of Chronic FatigueSyndrome, Volume 4 Number 3, (1998). Co-editors, Nancy Klimas MD & Roberto Patarca MD, Haworth Medical Press.
- B92 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Volume 4 Number 4, (1998). Co-editors, Nancy Klimas MD & Roberto Patarca MD, Haworth Medical Press.
- B93 Shadow & Light, The Voice of CFIDS, Edited by Tara Allen, (Booklet)
- B94 Dazed and Fatigued in the Toxic 21st Century, Mark Llewellyn Hall (1998). Consafos Press, Los Angeles, CA. An excellent autobiographical account of one young man faced with CFS and MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity). The author uses a style that mixes prose and poetry to chronicle his struggle and eventual triumph over the limitations of this illness. I recommend it highly. – Ted Nilson.
- B95 A Parent’s Guide to CFIDS, How to be an advocate for your child with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, David S. Bell, M.D., Mary Z. Robinson
MSEd, Jean Pollard AS, Tom Robinson MS, CAS, Bonnie Floyd MA. - B96 The American Journal of Medicine, “Recent Developments in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”, September 28, 1998, 21 articles, (whole supplement devoted to CFS).
- B97 The Clinical Scientific Basis of Myalgic 28, 1998, 21 articles Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Byron M.
- B98 Pain and Its Relief Without Addiction, Barry Stimmel, MD, Haworth Medical Press
- B99 Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Fibromyalgia, Latest Views From 30 Experts at New York FM Conference, May 1998, Anadem
Publishing - B100 Making Sense of Fibromyalgia, Daniel J. WallaceHyde, MD, The Nightingale Research Foundation (724 pages) SPECIAL LARGE BOOK MAILING RATE– $4.00
- B101 Lifting the Bull, Back Pain, Fibromyalgia, & Environmental Illness,Diane Dawber
- B102 NADH: The Energizing Coenzyme, Professor Georg Birkmayer, M.D. PhD 1998
- B103 AACFS Fourth International Research Clinical and Patient Conference Proceedings, October 10-12, 1998
- B104 Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, Volume 4, Numbers 1&2, 1996, I. Jon Russell, M.D.,PhD, Editor, Haworth Medical Press
- B105 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Volume5, No.1, 1999, Co-editors, Nancy Klimas, M.D., & Roberto Patarca-Montero, M.D. , Haworth Medical Press
- B106 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Volume 5, No.2, 1999, Co-editors, Nancy Klimas, M.D., & Roberto Patarca-Montero, M.D., Haworth Medical Press
- B107 Liminal Time: Writings from Chronic Illness (1993-1998), Collections and Memoir of New Jersey PWC Judith Ann Kruger (113 pages)
- B108 Small Miracles, Yitta Halberstan
- B109 You Can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay
- B110 Woman’s Health Alert, Sidney M. Wolfe, M.D.
- B111 Musculoskeletal Pain, Myofascial Pain Syndrome & Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Edited by Soren Jacobsen
- B112 Be Prepared, The Complete Financial, Legal, and Practical Guide for Living with a Life Challenging Condition, David S. Landay
- B113 Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, An Empirical Guide to Assessment and Treatment, Fred Friedberg & Leonard A. Jason
- B114 Living Well With a Hidden Disability, Transcending Doubt and Shame and Reclaiming Your Life, Stacy Taylor, MSW., Robert Epstein, PhD
- B115 The Fibromyalgia Advocate, Getting the Support You Need To Cope with Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Devin J. Starlanyl, M.D.
- B116 The Neuroscience and Endocrinology of Fibromyalgia, Second NIH Fibromyalgia Conference, Edited by Stanley R. Pillemer, M.D., 1999
- B117 Muscle Pain Syndromes and Fibromyalgia, Pressure Algometry for Quantification of Diagnosis and Treatment Outcome, Edited by Andrew A. Fischer, M.D., PhD 1999
- B118 Herbal Medicinals, A Clinician’s Guide,Edited by Lucina G. Miller, PharmD & Wallace J. Murray, PhD 1999
- B119 Compendium of Medical Articles on Hypercoagulation, Booklet
- B120 Landmark Social Security Disability Case (NJ) comparing CFS to Multiple Sclerosis, 1998, booklet
- B121 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Volume 5, No 3&4 1999, Co-editors, Nancy Klimas M.D., & Roberto Patarca-Montero, M.D., Haworth Medical Press
- B122 Between Gardens, Observations on Gardening, Friendship and Disability, Carol Graham Chudley & Dorothy Field, 1999
- B123 Primer on the Autonomic Nervous System, Edited By David Robertson, Phillip Low, Ronald Polinsky , 1996 (POTS)
- B124 Arthritis Foundation’s Guide to Alternative Therapies, Judith Horstman, 1999
- B125 Virus Within: The Coming Epidemic, Nicholas Regush, 2000
- B126 Concise Encyclopedia of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Roberto Patarca-Montero, M.D., PhD, Haworth Medical Press 2000
- B127 What Her Body Thought, A Journey Into The Shadows, Susan Griffin 1999
- B128 Proceeding of the NJCFSA Conference on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: “New Horizons for the Next Millennium” October 24, 1999, Sheraton Conference Center, Eatontown, New Jersey, Edited by Mary E. McNamara, MBA, APC, Copyright 2000
- B129 Daily Comforts For Caregivers, Pat samples, 1999
- B130 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and Other Invisible Illnesses: A Complete and Compassionate Guide, Katrina Berne, PhD, Daniel Peterson, M.D. 2000
- B131 Stricken: Voices from the Hidden Epidemic of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Editor, Peggy Munson
- B132 The Game and th Glory, An Autobiography, Michelle Akers, Gregg Lewis 2000
- B133 What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia, Dr. Paul St. Amand 1999
- B134 Alternative Treatments for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Mari Skelly, Andrea Helm 1999
- B135 Zoe’s Win, Jane Colby (Young Person With ME/CFS) 1999
- B136 “Faces of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome“, David S. Bell, M.D. 2000
- B137 Disability Evaluation in A Nutshell, A Three Minute Guide to Effective Medical Reports, Douglas M. Smith, Esq., CFIDS Association of America, 2000
- B138 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 6. No. 1, 2000, Co-Editors, Dr. Nancy Klimas MD, & Roberto Patarca-Montero, MD, Haworth Medical Press
- B139 Journal of Chronic FatigueSyndrome, Vol. 6. No. 2, 2000, Co-Editors,Dr. Nancy Klimas MD, & Roberto Patarca-Montero, MD, Haworth Medical Press
- B140 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 6. No. 3/4, 2000, Co-Editors, Dr. Nancy Klimas MD, & Roberto Patarca-Montero, MD, Haworth Medical Press
- B141 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 7. No. 1, 2000, Co-Editors, Dr. Nancy Klimas MD, & Roberto Patarca-Montero, MD, Haworth Medical Press
- B142 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 7. No. 2, 2000, Co-Editors, Dr. Nancy Klimas MD, & Roberto Patarca-Montero, MD, Haworth Medical Press
- B143 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 7. No. 3, 2000, Co-Editors, Dr. Nancy Klimas MD, & Roberto Patarca-Montero, MD, Haworth Medical Press
- B144 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 7. No. 4, 2000, Co-Editors, Dr. Nancy Klimas MD, & Roberto Patarca-Montero, MD, Haworth Medical Press
- B145 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2001, Co-editors, Dr. Nancy Klimas MD & Roberto Patarca-Montero, MD, Haworth Medical Press
- B146 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2001, Co-editors, Dr. Nancy Klimas MD & Roberto Patarca-Montero, MD, Haworth Medical Press
- B147 Inside Fibromyalgia, Mark J. Pellegrino, M.D.
- B148 Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, A Survival Guide, Pamela Reed Gibson, Ph.D.
- B149 Adolescence and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Journeys with the Dragon, Naida Edgar Brotherston, MSW
- B150 Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in the Antiviral Revolution Era, Roberto Patarca-Montero, M.D. Ph.D. HCLD
- B151 Proceedings, AACFS Fifth International Research, Clinical and Patient Conference, Seattle, Washington, January 26-29, 2001 (151pgs.)
- B152 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol.8. No.3/4, 2001, Nancy Klimas M.D. & Roberto Patarca-Montero, M.D. Haworth Medical Press
- B153 Fibromyalgia and Female Sexuality, Marline Emmal Ph.D.
- B154 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Handbook, Derek Enlander, M.D.
- B155 Infection Protection, How to Fight the Germs That Make you Sick, Ronald M. Katz, M.D., Robert M. Goldman, M.D., Ph.D.
- B156 That Takes Ovaries!, Edited by Rivka Solomon, (PWC)
- B157 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 9, No. 1/2 2001, Editor, Roberto Patarca-Montero, M.D., PhD
- B158 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 9, No. 3/4 2001, Editor, Roberto Patarca-Montero, M.D., PhD
- B159 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 10, No.1 2002 Editor, Roberto Patarca-Montero, M.D., PhD
- B160 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 10, No.2 2002 Editor, Roberto Patarca-Montero, M.D., PhD
- B161 The Polio Paradox: Uncovering The Hidden History Of Polio To Understand And Treat “Post-Polio Syndrome” and Chronic Fatigue, Richard L Bruno, Ph.D.
- B162 A Consensus Manual for the Primary Care and Management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Joseph F. John, Jr., MD Editor, James M. Oleske, MD, MPH, Associate Editor, (2002) 75 pgs.
- B163 A Horse and Buggy Doctor Caught in the 21st Century, J.E. Block M.D. (Chapter devoted to CBS/FM)
- B164 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 10, No. 3/4, 2002, Editor, Roberto Pataraca-Montero, M.D., Haworth Medical Press
- B165 But You Look Good, A Guide to Understanding and Encouraging People with Chronic, Debilitating Illness and Pain! , Sherri L. Connell, BA, 2nd Edition
- B166What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Pediatric Fibromyalgia: The Program that Helps Boost Your Child’s Energy Level, R. Paul St. Amand, M.D., Claudia Craig Marek
- B167 Living Well With Celiac Disease: Abundance Beyond Wheat or Gluten, Claudine Crangle
- B168 Against the Grain: The Slightly Eccentric Guide to Living Well Without Gluten or Wheat, Jax Peters Lowell
- B169 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Biological Approach, Editors, Patrick Englebienne and Kenny DeMeirleir.
- B17 A Clinician’s Guide to Controversial Illnesses: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Renne R. Taylor, Fred Friedberg, Leonard Jason
- B171 TEACH-ME: A Sourcebook for Teachers of Children with ME/CFS/FMS, 1st Edition, National ME/FM Action Network, Canada
- B172 Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Clinical Working Case Definition, Diagnostic and Treatment Protocols, Canada, Bruce M. Carruthers, M.D. CM, FRCP (C) , et al., Reprint, Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 11 (1) 2003, Haworth Medical Press 108 pages
- B173 Thriving with Your Autoimmune Disorder, Simone Ravicz, PhD, MBA
- B174 Living Well with Autoimmune Disease, What Your Doctor Doesn’t Tell You- That You Need To Know, Mary J. Shomon
- B175 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Living With The Unknown, Brian E. Voncannon
- B176 Chronic Illness Workbook: Strategies and Solutions for Taking Back Your Life, Patricia A. Fennell
- B177 Parting The Fog, The Personal Side of Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Sue Jones
- B178 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Christianity & Culture, Between God and an Illness, James M. Rotholz, PhD
- B179 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 11, No.1, 2003, Editor, Roberto-Patarca-Montero, M.D., Haworth Medical Press
- B180 I’d Rather Be Working, A Step-by-Step Guide to Financial Self-Support for People with Chronic Illness, Gayle Backstrom (FM patient)
- B181 The Lobbying and Advocacy Handbook for Nonprofit Organizations, Marcia Avner, Minnesota Council of Nonprofits
- B182 The CFIDS & Fibromyalgia Self-Help Book,A Self Management Program for CFS and FM, and the CFIDS Self-Help Course of 4 audio tapes included. (Special Mailing Rate is $5.00), Bruce Campbell, Ph.D. (2003)
- B183 The Truth About Chronic Pain, How to Face It, Understand It and Overcome It, Arthur Rosenfeld, 2003, (CFS & FM Patients Featured)
- B184 Free & Low Cost Prescription Drugs, The Cost Containment Research Institute, Washington, D.C., 6th Edition, April 2003 48 pg. booklet ($1.00 mailing rate)
- B185 Seabiscuit, An American Legend, Laura Hillenbrand
- B186 Waiting for a Miracle, Devotions for those who are physically weak, Jan Markell (PWC)
- B187 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2003, Co-Editors, Kenny DeMeirleir, MD, PhD, Neil McGregor, MDSc, PhD
- B188 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the Body’s Immune Defense System, Roberto Patraca- Montero, MD, PhD, Haworth Medical Press
- B189 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Genes, and Infection, The Eta-1/OP Paradigm, Roberto Patarca-Montero,MD, PhD, Haworth Medical Press
- B190 Your Child and M.E., A guide for Parents and Families, Action for M.E., UK, booklet (mailing rate $1.50)
- B191 If You Would Just Get Out of Bed, My Life with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Stephanie Kelley
- B192 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 11, No. 3, 2003, Co-Editors, Kenney DeMeirleir, MD, PhD, Neil McGregor, MDSc, PhD
- B193 Shattered, Life with M.E., Lynn Michell
- B194 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2003, Co-editors,Kenny DeMeirleir, M.D. Neil McGregor, MDSc
- B195 The Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Clinical Case Definition for Practitioners, Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, Volume 11, Number 4,
2003. Feature article, Fibromyalgia Syndrome: Canadian Clinical Working Case Definition, Diagnostic and Treatment Protocols – A
Consensus Document, 122 pages - B196 Fibro-Man (With CFS), Edward DeHooge, M.S. (NJCFSA member)
- B197 How to Get SSI & Social Security Disability: An Insider’s Step by Step Guide., Mike Davis
- B198 Nolo’s Guide to Social Security Disability: Getting & Keeping Your Benefits, 2nd Edition., David A. Morton, MD
- B199 A Life Larger Than Pain., Erv Hinds, MD
- B200 Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease., Burton Goldberg, Larry Trivieri, Jr.
- B201 Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The Definitive Guide for Patients and Physicians., Dr. Roger H. Murphree
- B202 Living Well with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Tell You…That You Need To Know., Mary
J. Shomon - B203 Conference Syllabus, American Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, The Seventh International Conference on CFS/FM. October 8-10, 2004, Madison Wisconsin
- B204 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 12., No. 1, 2004, Co-Editors, Kenny DeMeirleir, M.D., Ph.D, Neil McGregor, MDSc. Ph.D
- B205 The Psychology of Chronic Illness, The Healing Work of Patients, Therapists, & Families, Robert Shuman
- B206 Medical Etiology, Assessment, and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue and Malaise; Clinical Differentiation and Intervention, Roberto
Patarca-Montero, MD, PhD - B207 Harnessing the Wind, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and My Son, Shanon McQuown
- B208 Conquering Chronic Fatigue, Jonathan Forester, M.D.
- B209 The Fibromyalgia Relief Handbook, Chet Cunningham
- B210 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 12., No. 2, 2004, Co-editors, Kenny DeMeirleir, M.D., Ph.D, Neil McGregor, MDSc, Ph.D.
- B211 You Don’t Look Sick: Living Well With Invisible Chronic Illness, Joy H. Selak, Steven S. Overman
- B212 Making the Best of Orders to Rest: A Path to Peace for the Chronically Ill, Annabel Hobbs (PWC)
- B213 We’re Not in Kansas Anymore: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & the Politics of Disease, Rik Carlson (PWC)
- B214 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2004, Co-editors, Kenny De Meirleir, MD, PhD, Neil McGregor, MDSc, PhD
- B215 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2004, Co-editors, Kenny De Meirleir, MD, PhD, Neil McGregor, MDSc, PhD
- B216 Encounters with the Invisible: Unseen Illness, Controversy, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Dorothy Wall
- B217 Handbook of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Editors, Leonard A. Jason, Patricia A. Fennell, Renee R. Taylor
- B218 Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 7 Proven Steps to Less Pain & More Energy, Fred Friedberg, Ph.D., c.2006
- B219 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2006, Co-editors Kenny DeMeirleir, MD, PhD, Neil McGregor, MDSc, PhD
- B220 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 13, No.2/3, 2006, Co-editors Kenny DeMeirleir, MD, PhD, Neil McGregor, MDSc, PhD
- B221 International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Conference Syllabus, 8th International IACFS Conference on Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and other Related Illnesses. January 12-14, 2007, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - B222 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 13, No. 4, 2006, Co-editors Kenny DeMeirleir, MD, PhD, Neil McGregor, MDSc, PhD
- B223 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2007, Co-editors Kenny DeMeirleir, MD, PhD, Neil McGregor, MDSc, PhD
- B224 When I Cry Wolf: A Society Lost to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Mold, Sharon Kirk, Ph.D.
- B225 The Feel-Good Guide to Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Comprehensive Resource for Recovery, Lynette Bassman, Ph.D.
- B226 Defeat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-You Don’t Have To Live With It, Martha E. Kilcoyne
- B227 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for Dummies, Susan R. Lisman, M.D., Karla Dougherty
- B228 Sacred Space: ME/CFS, Depression, Anxiety and Stress-A Guide To Healing and Recovery, Elizabeth Bailey
- B229 “I Need Help, Not Suggestions!”, How to Communicate with a Chronically Ill Person, Ashley Montclair, Ph.D. (PWC)
- B230 In the Shadow of the Eclipse, Vivian R. Treves, (PWC) Collection of Poems
- B231 Your Symptoms are Real, What To Do When Your Doctor Says Nothing Is Wrong. Overcoming Pain, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, IBS, and More. Benjamin H. Natelson, M.D.
- B232 Cellular Hypoxia and Neuro-Immune Fatigue; Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Orthostatic Intolerance/Dysautonomia, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Chronic Lyme Disease, David S. Bell, M.D. FAAP
- B233 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2007, Co-editors Kenny DeMeirleir, MD, PhD, Neil McGregor, MDSc, PhD
- B234 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 14, No. 3, 2007, Co-editors Kenny DeMeirleir, MD, PhD, Neil McGregor, MDSc, PhDB235 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2007, Co-editors Kenny DeMeirleir, MD, PhD, Neil McGregor, MDSc, PhD
- B236 Great Physician’s Rx for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, Jordan Rubin and Joseph Brasco
- B237 Food that Helps Win the Battle Against Fibromyalgia: Ease Everyday Pain and Fight Fatigue, Deirdre Rawlings
- B238 Yoga for Fibromyalgia: Move, Breathe, and Relax to Improve Your Quality of Life, Shoosh Lettick Crotzer
- B239 Verity Red’s Diary: A Story of Surviving M.E., Maria Mann
- B240 Just for a Season: My Journey With Severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Andrea Rowland
- B241 Explaining ‘Unexplained Illnesses’, Disease Paradigm for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Gulf War Syndrome, Martin L. Pall, Ph.D.
- B242 The Self-Help Support Directory, 22nd EditionYour Guide to Local N.J., National & Online Groups N.J. Self-Help Group Clearinghouse
- B243 Take Charge of Your Fibromyalgia, Janet Mazur
- B244 Disease, Pain, and Suicidal Behavior, Elsebeth Stenager, M.D., PhD: Egon Stenager, M.D. Haworth Press
- B245 Of Power & Love & Sound Mind, Linda Hanner: Six Years of Undiagnosed Lyme Disease
- B246 Chronic Illness and Uncertainty, A Personal And Professional Guide to Poorly Understood Syndromes. Don L. Goldenberg, M.D.
- B247 Healing Words, The Power of Prayer and The Practice of Medicine, Larry Dossey, M.D.
- B248 Why Can’t Sharon Come Out to Play? (Because Sharon has FM) & Why is Mommy
staying in Bed Again Today? Lou and Claudia Marek (two booklets written for children) - B249 Recovery from CFS, 50 Personal Stories, Compiled and edited by Alexandra Barton 2008
- B250: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME Author – Elizabeth Turp; Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2011
- B251: How To Be Sick, A Buddist Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and Their Caregivers; Author- Toni Bernard Foreward by Sylvia Boorstein (Advance Readers Copy-Uncorrected) Wisdom Publications, Sept 2010
- B252: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia From F.I.N.E ( Frustrated* Irritated*Nauseated*Exhausted) to Feeling Better Author-Nancy Fowler and Lisa Ball Idyll Arbor Inc. 2010
- B253: The Cleveland Clinic Guide to Fibromyalgia; Author- William Wilke, MD Rhematology Kaplan Publishing, 2010
- B254: Silent Pain Author -Bernadette Snopek; Printed in Austrailia by McPhearson’s Printing 2010 [The NJCFSA gratefully acknowledges Community Health Education Department at Monmouth Medical Center for their donation of the book, Silent Pain by Bernadette Snopek, to the NJCFSA Library.]
V1 America Talking, Jon Sterling, Susan Levine, MD, Jane Perlmutter (CAN)
- V2 CFIDS: Society’s Hidden Epidemic, CFIDS Association of America
- V3 CFS: Addressing The Realities of Chronic Illness, National CFS & Fibromyalgia Assn.
- V4 CFS: A Real Disease, Charles W. Lapp, MD
- V5 CFS: The Natural Approach, Gary Null
- V6 CFS Seminar, Benjamin Natelson, MD, Jack Jacoby, MD, Steven Koval, Robert Landau, & Stephanie Habermann, November 14, 1993, St. Barnabas Medical Center
- V7 Face To Face With Jackie Walker, Bob Landau & Stephanie Habermann
- V8 Fibromyalgia Exercise Video, Dr. Robert Bennett, Dr. Sharon Clark, National FM Association
- V9 Findings, Facts, and Fiction, Grand Rounds Training, CFIDS Foundation of San Francisco, Dr. Jonathan Rest
- V10 Help Yourself, Shirley Arsenalt (Canada)
- V11 Lecture by Dr. Paul Levine, Massachusetts (1995)
- V12 “Lives In Limbo” The Nature of Things, Discovery Channel
- V13 Living Hell, Lennie Copeland
- V14 NJCFSA State Conference, Long Branch, NJ, Drs. Natelson, Oleske, Podell, Cheu, Levine, Sivaprasad, & Rosenblatt, October 1, 1995
- V15 NJCFSA State Conference, Kim Kenney & Dr. Joseph John, April 28, 1996, Robt. Wood Johnson Hospital
- V16 CFIDS Association of America, Patient Oriented Conference, September 23, 1996 (4 tapes); Tape 1 Mark Iverson, Charles Lapp, MD, Nancy Klimas, MD, Mark Loveless, MD, Paul Cheney, MD, and Q & A; Tape 2 David S. Bell, MD, Mark Demitrack, MD, Kim Kenny, Q & A; Tape 3 Anthony Komaroff, MD, Jay Levy, MD, Peter Rowe, MD, Q & A; Tape 4 Paul Levine, MD, Dedra Buchwald, MD, Q & A
- V17 Funny You Don’t Look Sick, An Autobiography of An Illness (CFS and Environmental Illness), Susan Abod
- V18 NJCFSA State Conference, Drs. Levine, Burkett, Rep. Frank Pallone, Shirley Stolz, October 27, 1996
- V19 CFS Association of Minnesota 7th Annual Conference, September 28, 1996
- V20 Educating Children With CFIDS, Connecticut CFIDS Association & Connecticut Dept. of Education, Workshop March 1995 (3 hours)
- V21 Community Close-Up With Robyn Stevens, TV Interview With PWC’s Ted Nilson & Susan Nye (1997)
- V22 Easing Your Energy Crisis: Self-Healing With Exercise, Relaxation & Stress Relief, Joanna Boylan, Center for Balanced Living (Yoga)
- V23 5th Annual CFIDS Awareness Day, May 12, 1997 in Washington, DC, David Samelman (38 min)
- V24 CFIDS Conference May 24, 1997, CFIDS Support Group of SanDiego, W. John Martin, MD, Stealth Virus Researcher, Jay A. Goldstein, MD, CFIDS & The Brain
- V25 CFIDS Conference May 24, 1997, CFIDS Support Group of San Diego, Garth Nicolson, PhD, Micoplasma Infections & Gulf War Illness, Darryl M. See, MD, Immune System Findings
- V26 CFIDS Conference June 1, 1997, CFIDS Support Group of Orange County, California, Aristo Vojani, PhD, Immunoscriences Lab, Jay Seastrunk, MD, MRI & SPECT Scans
- V27 CFIDS Conference, June 1, 1997, CFIDS Support Group of Orange County, California, Michael Goldberg, MD Pediatric Neurology, Learning Disabilities, Carmie Dusair, MFCC, Therapist
- V28 FOX News Network (FOX On Psychology) TV Interview With PWC’s Pam Uherek & Ted Nilson, 4-1-97
- V29 Current Issues, A Public Health Training Network Satellite Broadcast, Sponsored by the NIH, CDC, FDA, & Public Health Training Network, 9-18-97
- V30 NJCFSA State Conference, Long Branch, NJ, Drs. Cheney, Levine, & Wilson, Attorney Mark Grossman, Disability Issues, 9-28-97
- V31 A Dance With Darkness, Original Ballet About CFIDS, Victoria S. Ganzen (1997)
- V32 A Scientific Overview of CFIDS/ FM , Nancy Klimas, MD
- V33 An Overview of the New Discoveries Made In CFIDS, ( Low Blood Volume), David S. Bell (1997)
- V34 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association of Minnesota, 8th Annual Conference, 10-26-97
- V35 The Seven Step Approach to Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Charles Lapp, MD
- V36 Thyroid Disorders, Time Life Medical, C. Everett Koop, MD, Medical Director
- V37 NJCFSA State Conference, Robt. Wood Johnson Hospital, Dr. Robert Suhadolnik, K. Kimberly Kenney, Bill Gareau, Jon Sterling, May 2, 1998
- V38 Connecticut CFIDS Association: Lecturer Dr. David Bell “Low Blood Volume”, June 6, 1998.
- V39 Connecticut CFIDS Association: Lecture on Disability Issues, June 6, 1998.
- V40 Connecticut CFIDS Association: Leture by Dr. Peter Rowe, researcher on hypotension in CFS patients at Johns Hopkins Medical School, May 21, 1997.
- V41 1998 Research Update on CFIDS/ME, Nancy Klimas, MD University of Miami, May 12, 1998.
- V42 New Jersey CFS Association’s State Conference, Monmouth Medical Center, October 18, 1098. Speakers: Jon Sterling, NJCFSA President; R. Sivaprasad, MD, moderator; Dr. Nancy Klimas; Dr. Susan Levine; Dr. Daniel Bloomfield; Fred Boehm, CPA; Christopher Williamson, Psy.D.; Hilton R. Miller, Psy.D.
- V43 Oprah Winfrey Show, “Diseases That Are Difficult To Diagnose: CFIDS, Lyme Disease, MS, Graves’ Disease, Leukemia;” PWC’s Wilhelmina Jenkins & her daugther, Dr. Nancy Snyderman, July 29, 1998
- V44 Dr. Richard Podell, Director, Podell Medical Center & Ted Nilson, VP, NJCFSA Interview About CFS Treatments, incl. Ampligen, CN8 Comcast TV Network “Family Talk Show,” February 1999 (50 minutes)
- V45 Interview with Beth and Laura Warren (young people with CFS) and Interview with PWC Stu from Bergen County on Ampligen treatment, CBS TV News Report, February 8&9, 1999. “EXTRA” Interview with teenager with CFS, January 27, 1999 (6 minutes)
- V46 Fibromyalgia Fitness Tape, Improving Muscle Tone & Strength, Oregon Fibromyalgia Foundation, Dr. Sharon Clark, (75 minutes)
- V47 CLOUD PEOPLE, Relaxation Video by Tom Oates, Jr., Sound track by R. Carlos Nakai & Robert Tree Cody
- V48 The Greater Philadelphia CFIDS Alliance Symposium, November 1998. Extensive presentations by Dr. Robert Suhadolnik and Dr. Paul Cheney (160 minutes)
- V49 NJCFSA Conference, Robert Wood Johnson Hospital, April 17, 1999, Dr. Richard Podell (Ampligen), Dr. Karen Wei-Ru Lin, Patricia Fennell, Mark Llewyn Hall, author
- V50 Today Show, July 13, 1999, Katie Couric interview with Michelle Akers, after winning the world cup (8 minutes)
- V51 CFS/ME May 1999 UPDATE, Nancy Klimas, M.D., Roberto Patarca-Montero, M.D., Adam Friedlander, M.D.
- V52 NJCFSA & Monmouth Medical Center, Conference “New Horizons for the Next Millennium”, Ted Nilson, Dr. Dharam Ablashi , (HHV-6), David Berg (Hypercoagulation), Prof. Alan Cocchetto, Dr. Susan Levine, Barbara Comerford, Esq., Allison Block, PhD, Dr. Sivaprasad, October 24, 1999
- V53 New Jersey Education Association Convention, November 11, 1999 Atlantic City, N.J., Workshop for N.J. School Nurses and Educators, “CFS, A Debilitating Illness in Children” Dr. James Oleske, Jon Sterling, Vice-President, NJCFSA, Carol McGotty, President, N.J. School Nurses Association
- V54 Channel 12 News Coverage of NJCFSA’S Conference,October 24, 1999, Interviews with Dr. James Oleske, Ted Nilson, President, NJCFSA, and PWC Donna Palumbo, Approx. 5 min.
- V55 CNN Television Program, October 24, 1999, featured Michelle Akers, Dedra Buchwald, M.D., Dr. Peterson & Incline Village, Dr. William Reeves, (CDC), 10 min.
- V56 Conn. CFIDS/FM Association Meeting, Dr. Susan Levine, Summer 1999
- V57 Northern Virginia CFS Support Group Meeting, “Immune System Activation of Coagulation in CFS”, David Berg, Director, HEMEX Lab, August 21, 1999
- V58 20/20 Television Program, March 10, 2000, Barbara Walters, Dr. Timothy Johnson, “Chiari Malformation” (20 min.)
- V59 NJCFSA Conference, Robert Wood Johnson Hospital, April 8, 2000, Dr. Joseph John, Tom Sheridan, Dr. Richard Podell, Dr. Benjamin Natelson, Aba Heiman, Esq., Kim Snyder, Filmmaker
- V60 Atlantic County CFS Support Group Meeting, June 11, 2000, Speaker, Dr. Eli Mordechai, Medical Diagnostic Laboratories, Mt. Laurel, N.J. “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnostics”
- V61 Educational CFIDS/FM Lecture, Dr. Nancy Klimas, March 28, 2000, San Diego, California Support Group, Meghan Shannon
- V62 CFS/Fm Support Group of Dallas/Fort Worth, May 15, 1999, “Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment of CFIDS”, Paul Cheney, PhD, M.D.
- V63 CFS/Fm Support Group of Dallas/Fort Worth, May 6, 2000, “Effective Treatments of FM/CFS”, Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum
- V64 CFS/Fm Support Group of Dallas/Fort Worth, April 29, 2000, “Cognitive Dysfunction in CFS/Fm: Testing and Treatment”, Dr. Myra Preston
- V65 Miami-Coral Gables CFIDS Support Group, May 11, 2000, “2000 Research Update”, Dr. Nancy Klimas & Staff, University of Miami
- V66 State of the Science Conference, October 23-24, 2000, 2 tapes: Day 1 and Day 2. See article in Newsletter Winter 2001.
- V67 NJCFSA & Monmouth Medical Center, 9th Annual Fall Conference, October 1, 2000, Ted Nilson, President, NJCFSA, Dr. Sivaprasad, Dr. Anthony Komaroff, Dr. Julian Stewart, Dr. Susan Levine, Q&A
- V68 NJCFSA & Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick, Spring Conference, April 28, 2001, Ted Nilson, President, NJCFSA, Jon Sterling, Dr. Leonard Jason, Dr. Joseph John, Dr. Kenneth Rubin, Dr. Susan Levine, Q&A.
- V69 Documentary, Bigger Than Life, “A Teenagers Journey with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” James Glenn, YPWC, NJCFSA member (40 min.)
- V70 NJCFSA & Monmouth Medical Center, 10th Annual Fall Conference, October 14, 2001, Jon Sterling, NJCFSA, Dr. Sivaprasad, Dr. David Bell, Dr. Peter Rowe, Gloria Furst, OTR/L, Dr. Susan Levine, Q&A
- V71 American Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association of Minnesota Conference, “The Well-informed CFS Patient”, October 28, 2001, Benjamin Natelson, M.D., Leonard Jason, M.D., Charles Lapp, M.D., Donald Uslan, MA, MBA, Frank Levin, Barbara Comerford, JD, Karen Harrington, President, CFSA-MN 3 videos-special mailing rate $5.00
- V72 “I Remember Me”, directed by Kim Snyder; distributed by Zeitgeist Films.
- V73 NJCFSA & Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, l1th Annual Spring Conference, April 27, 2002, Jon Sterling, NJCFSA, CFIDS Assoc. of America, Ted Nilson, President, NJCFSA, Charles W. Lapp, M.D., Gudrun Lange, PhD., Richard N. Podell, M.D., FACP, Kenneth J. Friedman, PhD, Q&A
- V74 Conference “Parallels between Post-polio Sequelae & ME/CFS/FM, June 15, 2002, Researchers, Dr. Elizabeth Dowsett (FM) and Dr. Richard L. Bruno (PPS) sponsored by National ME/FM Action Network, Ontario Canada
- V75 CFS in Children, Cherie Bank medical reporter, NBC News, Philadelphia June 2002, featured, Dr. David Bell, Dr. William Reeves (CDC) and Kim Kenney, CFIDS Assoc. Of America, YPC, Meghan Robinson (6 minutes)
- V76 NJCFSA & Monmouth Medical Center, 11th Annual Fall Conference, October 13, 2002, Ted Nilson, President, NJCFSA, James Glenn- NJCFSA Scholarship Recipient, Dr. Sivaprasad, Dr. Demitris A. Papanicolaou, Dr. James M. Oleske, Barbara B. Comerford, Esq., Dr. Susan M. Levine, Q&A
- V77 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome News Segment, NJCFSA Trustee, Eileen Holderman, AACFS 2000 Conference
- V78 Lecture, Dr. Richard Podell, March 17, 2002, Bergen County Support Group Meeting
- V79 NJCFSA & Robert Wood Johnson Hospital, 12th Annual Spring Conference, April 12, 2003, Ted Nilson, President, NJCFSA, Nancy G. Klimas, M.D., John DeLuca, PhD, Harumi Jyonouchi, M.D., Susan Levine, M.D. Q&A
- V80 “Who Will Protect the Children” Dr. Nigel Speight, Pediatrician, University Hospital of North Durham, UK, and J Chapman, PhD, Sydney Australia, Video from the Alison Hunter Memorial Foundation, (55 minutes)
- V81 Judi L. Tassone, M.D. Physical Medicine/Rehabilitation, Lecture, “Pain Management”, Atlantic County CFS Support Group Meeting, June 8, 2003
- V82 New Visions; Outcome Changing Interventions for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, October 12, 2003, Minnesota, CFS/FM Conference
- V83 NJCFSA & Monmouth Medical Center, 12th Annual Fall Conference, Nov. 2,2003, Jon Sterling, NJCFSA, Dr. Kenny DeMeirleir, Dr. Susan Levine, Dr. Malcolm Schwartz, Dr. Harry Gruenspan, Dr. R. Sivaprasad, Moderator, Q&A
- V84 Seabiscuit, Jeff Bridges, Tobey Maguire, Chris Cooper
- V85 NJCFSA & Robert Wood Johnson Hospital, 13th Annual CFS Conference, April 17, 2004, Lon Smith, President, NJCFSA, Karen W.R. Lin, M.D., Moderator, Suzanne D. Vernon, PhD, Leo J. Shea, III, PhD, K. Kimberly Kenney, CAA, Sinclair A. Smith, ScD, Q&A
- V86 Qigong: Traditional Chinese Exercises for Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit., Master Instructor, Ken Cohen (90 minutes)
- V87 Wisconsin CFS Association Workshop, October 7, 2004, Effective Therapies for CFS and FM, Jacob Teitelbaum, MD
- V88 Wisconsin CFS Association Workshop, October 7, 2004, Effective Therapies for CFS and FM, Ritchie Shoemaker, MD
- V89 Wisconsin CFS Association Workshop, October 7, 2004, Effective Therapies for CFS and FM, Byron Hyde, MD and Karen Vichota, MD
- V90 NJCFSA & Monmouth Medical Center Fall Conference, November 7, 2004, Dr. Kenneth Friedman, NJCFSA, Jon Sterling, NJCFSA, Dr. Malcolm Schwartz, Moderator, Monmouth Medical Center, Dr. David Bell, Staci Stevens, M.A., Exercise Physiologist, Dr. Susan Levine, Q&A
- V91 NJCFSA & Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, Spring Conference, April 30, 2005, Dr. Kenneth Friedman, NJCFSA, Karen W. R. Lin, M.D., MS, Moderator, RWJ, William Reeves, M.D., Julian Stewart, M.D. Ph.D., Rosemary Underhill, MB, BS, MRCOG, FRCSA, Barbara Comerford, Esq., Q&A
- V92 CFS & Diastolic Cardiomyopathy, Paul Cheney, M.D., Ph.D., Dallas-Ft. Worth CFS/FM Support Group Meeting, June 18, 2005 (3 ½ hours)
- V93 NJCFSA & Monmouth Medical Center, Fall Conference, November 5, 2005, Peg Walk, NJCFSA President, Dr. Kenneth Friedman, NJCFSA, Paul Cheney, M.D., Shanon McQuown, Susan M. Levine, M.D., Sanjay Mathew, M.D., Q&A
- V94 CFS: The Heart of the Matter, Paul Cheney, M.D. September, 2006 , Dallas-Ft Worth CFS/FM Support Group MeetingAUDIO TAPES
- A1 CFS and Self-Esteem, Katrina H. Berne, PhD
- A2 CFS: For Those Who Care, Katrina H. Berne, PhD
- A3 “CFS: How To Live With Its Ravaging Effects,” Jeffrey Pompeo (C) 1996 Lecture Monmouth SG
- A4 Coping Skills, John Loconte, PhD, June 30, 1996
- A5 Lecture by Susan Levine, MD, May 1996
- A6 Neurocognitive Aspects of CFS, Katrina H. Berne, PhD
- A7 NJCFSA State Conference, Long Branch, NJ Drs. Natelson, Oleske, Podell, Cheu, Levine, Sivaprasad, & Rosenblatt, October 1, 1995
- A8 Relaxation, Imagery, Healing Exercise, Katrina Berne,PhD
- A9 Understanding CFS, Katrina H. Berne, PhD
- A10 Lecture: “The Cheney Experience,” Bergen County Support Group, February, 1996
- A11 Lecture: PWC Kathy Weiss Speaks On Her Experience With Dr. Hugh Caukins At Johns Hopkins University (NMH)
- A12 Lecture: Environmental Choices For People With MCS, Paul Novack, Monmouth County Chapter, 3-16-97
- A13 NJCFSA State Conference, Long Branch, NJ, Drs. Levine & Burkett, Rep. Frank Pallone, Shirley Stolz, October 27, 1996
- A14 Lecture: Attorney Mark Grossman, Social Security Disability, Monmouth County Chapter, 5-18-97
- A15 Long Night’s Journey: Coping With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Brian Lutterman
- A16 NJCFSA State Conference, Long Branch, NJ, Drs. Cheney, Levine, and Wilson, Mark Grossman, Esq., September 28, 1997
- A17 NJCFSA State Conference, Robt. Wood Johnson Hospital, Dr. Robert Suhadolnik, K. Kimberly Kenney, Bill Gareau, Dr. Richard Bruno, Dr. Sue Ann Sisto, Barbara Comerford, Esq., May 2, 1998
- A18 Diane Rehms Radio Show, July 13, 1998, Interview with: CFS Researchers Stephen Straus, Paul Levine, William Reeves, Internist, Marsha Wallace, PWC’S Terry Hendrick and John Ginsberg.
- A19 New Jersey CFS Association’s State Conference, Monmouth Medical Center, October 18, 1998. Speakers: Jon Sterling, NJCFSA President; R. Sivaprasad, MD, moderator; Dr. Nancy Klimas; Dr. Susan Levine; Dr. Daniel Bloomfield; Fred Boehm, CPA; Christopher Williamson, Psy.D.; Hilton R. Miller, Psy.D.
- A20 RECOVERY, THE PEACE THAT HEALS, Tom Oates, Jr. How-To-Heal CFIDS audio tape series (four 60 minutes each tapes)
- A21 Dr. Paul Cheney Discusses Current Definition of CFIDS, Treatments and Research, Dr. Mazlen’s Radio Show, February 28, 1999
- A22 Dr. Roger Mazlen Radio Show, April 11, 1999, Guest, Dr. John Martin
- A23 Dr. Roger Mazlen Radio Show, April 25, 1999, Guest, Dr. Myra Preston
- A24 Dr. Roger Mazlen Radio Show, May 23, 1999, Guest, Dr. Less Simpson
- A25 Dr. Roger Mazlen Radio Show, Aug. 1, 1999, Guest, Dr. Donavon Anderson
- A26 Dr. Roger Mazlen Radio Show, Aug. 15, 1999, Guest, Dr. Boyd Haley
- A27 Dr. Roger Mazlen Radio Show, Aug. 29, 1999, Guest, David Berg, HEMEX Lab, Hypercoagulation
- A28 Focus on the Family, four part series on CFS, Host Dr. James C. Dobson
- A29 Healing Words, The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine, Larry Dossey, M.D. (2 cassettes)
- A30 Reinventing Medicine, Beyond Mind-Body To a New Era of Healing, Larry Dossey, M.D. (2 cassettes)
- A31 How to Live Between Office Visits, Bernie S. Siegel, M.D. (2 cassettes)
- A32 Chronic Fatigue, The Complete Mind/Body Solution, Deepak Chopra M.D. (4 cassettes and booklet) special mailing rate $4.00
- A33 NJCFSA & Monmouth Medical Center, 10th Annual Fall Conference, October 14, 2001, Jon Sterling, NJCFSA, Dr. Sivaprasad, Dr. David Bell, Dr. Peter Rowe, Gloria Furst, OTR/L, MPH, Dr. Susan Levine, Q&A
- A34 Monmouth County Support Group Meeting, September 15, 1996 – Speaker: Dr. Lisa Zimmerman
- A35 NJCFSA & Monmouth Medical Center, 12th Annual Fall Conference, Nov.2, 2003
Jon Sterling, NJCFSA, Dr. Kenny DeMeirleir, Dr. Susan Levine, Dr. Malcolm Schwartz, Dr. Harry Gruenspan, Dr. R. Sivaprasad, Moderator, Q&A - A36 NJCFSA Trustee Eileen Holderman, interview with Paul Sladkus on Good News, May 7, 2004, 10 minutes
- A37 NJCFSA & Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, Spring Conference, April 30, 2005, Dr. Kenneth Friedman, Karen W.R. Lin, M.D. William Reeves, M.D., Julian Stewart, M.D. , Rosemary Underhill, MB, BS, MRCOG, Barbara Comerford, Esq. Q&A
- A38 The Power of Prayer, Connecting With the Wisdom of the Universe, Larry Dossey, M.D., 6 tape series, Special Mailing Rate, $4.00
- A39 Energy Anatomy, The Science of Personal Power, Spirituality, and Health, Caroline Myss, Ph.D.6 tape series, Special Mailing Rate, $5.00
Compact Disks
- CD1 NJCFSA Trustee Eileen Holderman, interview with Paul Sladkus on Good News, May 7, 2004, 10 minutes
- CD2 CFS & FM Lecture, Dr. Rosemary Underhill, “Prevalence of CFS in Families.” and Dr. Kenneth Sack, Fibromyalgia, Audio Digest, CFS and FM, Volume 54, Issue 19, May 21, 2006 59 minutes
- CD3 CFS & FM Health and Wellness Fair, May 20, 2006, Lori Tylutki, Traverse Area CFS Support Group, Traverse City, Michigan, Guest Speaker, Dr. Ruth Walkotten
- CD4 NJCFSA Trustee, Eileen Holderman, interview with Paul Sladkus on Good News, May, 2005 & May, 2006
- CD5 CFS Awareness Lecture, WVNR/WVNY, Vermont, May 11, 2007, Dr. Kenneth Friedman
- CD6 ABC’s of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS) Lecture, March 22, 2007, Dr. Kenneth Friedman
CD 7, Dr. Kenneth J. Fiedman, Interview on “Coffee Break” , June 6, 2008, WVNR-WNYV, Poultney, Vermont
- DVD1 NJCFSA & Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, Spring Conference, April 30, 2005, Dr. Kenneth Friedman, NJCFSA, Karen W. R. Lin, M.D., MS, Moderator, RWJ, William Reeves, M.D., Julian Stewart, M.D. Ph.D., Rosemary Underhill, MB, BS, MRCOG, FRCSA, Barbara Comerford, Esq., Q&A
- DVD2 Lecture: CFS Myth or Reality, James Oleske, MD, MPH, FAAP & Jon Sterling, NJCFSA, American Academy of Pediatrics, N.J.
Chapter, Fourteenth Annual School Health Conference, School Health 2005, Critical Issues in Community Medicine and School Health,
September 29, 2005, East Brunswick, N.J. (CFS in Children & Adolescents) - DVD3 NJCFSA & Monmouth Medical Center, Fall Conference, November 5, 2005, Peg Walk, NJCFSA President, Dr. Kenneth Friedman,
NJCFSA, Paul Cheney, M.D., Shanon McQuown, Susan M. Levine, M.D., Sanjay Mathew, M.D., Q&A - DVD4 Fibromyalgia, Show Me Where It Hurts, Patrick B. Wood, M.D., Andrew Holman, M.D. Lynne Matallana, President, NFA, Angler
BioMedical 37 minutes - DVD5 Energising Biomedical Research in ME/CFS, Dr. Vance Spencer, Chairman of MERGE 24 minutes
- DVD6 The ME Conference 2006. An update on clinical diagnosis, research trends and educational support. Organized by the charity Invest in ME. 4 DVDs that can be viewed on computers which can show DVDs, but not on all DVD players. 3 disk rate
- DVD7 NJCFSA & Monmouth Medical Center, Fall Conference, October 22, 2006, Kenneth Friedman, PhD; NJCFSA, Dr. Malcolm Schwartz; Monmouth Medical Center, Dr. Lucinda Bateman, Jacqueline Niederle; NJCFSA, Dr. Susan Levine, Trisha Steefel; NJCFSA, Dr. Benjamin Natelson, Q&A, 3 disk rate
- DVD8 International Coalition for the Advancement of Fibromyalgia/CFIDS Treatment, (ICAF), Seminar Series 2006, “Spotlighting the Latest Treatments and Therapies for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Sufferers” (2 DVD’s)
- DVD9 “CFS: The Heart of the Matter” 2006 Cheney Seminar, September 9, 2006. CFS & FM Support Group of Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas, Paul Cheney, M.D., 2 DVD’s
- DVD10 The Spark Campaign, Donated by The CFIDS Association of America DVD11 NJCFSA, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, and CFIDS Association of America, “Know More” Education and Empowerment Series, Spring Conference, March 10, 2007, Kimberly McCleary, Brian Bernard, Jacqueline Niederle, Dr. Nancy Klimas,Dr. Alan Pocinki, Peg Walk, NJCFSA President, Q&A.
- DVD12 NJCFSA & Monmouth Medical Center, Fall Conference, October 7, 2007:Dr. Malcolm Schwartz, Moderator, Dr. Richard Podell, Dharam Ablashi, D.D.M., M.S., Dip. Bact., Dr. Kenneth Friedman, NJCFSA, Dr. Susan Levine, Q&A
DVD13 Dr. A. Martin Lerner, Grand Rounds CFS Lecture, William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan, August 22, 2007
DVD14 Comcast Newsmakers, Kenneth J. Friedman, PhD, News Segment announcing NJCFSA awareness and fundraising events. April 16, 2008, 5 Minutes
- DVD15 NJCFSA & Monmouth Medical Center, Fall Conference, October 26, 2008, featuring: John Chia, M.D.; “The Role of Enterovirus in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”, Patricia Fennell, MSW, LCSW-R; “CFS, Quality of Life, and the Chronic Illness Era”, Susan Levine, M.D.; New Infectious Causes of CFS and Methods of Detection, Q&A
- DVD16 Comcast Newsmakers, Kenneth J. Friedman, PhD, News Segment about CFS, October 20, 2008, 5 Minutes
- DVD 17, Dr. A. Martin Lerner, Presentation at the 3rd Invest in ME International ME/CFS Conference, London, England, May 23, 2008, on the “Sub-grouping and Treatment for ME/CFS”
- DVD18 Shanon & Anthony McQuown, Interview Fox News (Teen with CFS DVD19 I Remember Me, Kim Snyder
- DVD20 CFS: Is Oxygen the Problem? A Four Part Treatment Protocol, Paul Cheney, MD, PhD, Fairfax, VA, April 25, 2009, a three hour presentation (2 DVDs)
- DVD21: NJCFSA 2009 Conference; October 18, 2009. Intro: Kenneth Friedman, PhD; Moderator: Malcolm Schwartz, DO, FACOP; Derek Enlander, MD, MRCS, LRCP; Susan Levin, MD; Jason Newfield, Esq.
- DVD22: NJCFSA 2010 Conference; October 17, 2010. Intro: Kenneth Friedman, PhD; Moderator: Malcolm Schwartz, DO, FACOP; Judy Mikovits, James Oleske, MD, MPH, Susan Levin, MD; Barbara Comerford, Esq. (3 disk set)
- DVD23: The Golden Girls – The Complete Fifth Season (1985) – Sick & Tired Parts 1 & 2 deal with Dorothy’s trials to be diagnosed with CFS.
- DVD24: NJCFSA Conference; October 16, 2011. Host: Susan Levine, MD; Moderator Malacolm Schwartz, DO; Benjamin Natelson, MD, Elizabeth Unger, PhD, MD; Charles Lapp, MD. (2 disk set)