Dr. Nancy Klimas is embarking on a Gene Study of ME/CFS. Please see the following link for information about the study.
Categories: Breaking News, Research Opportunities, Uncategorized
NOTE: Beginning with the October 18th Meeting, the Bergen ME/CFS/FM Support group will take place at Hackensack University Medical Center North (formerly Pascack Valley Hospital) on Old Hook Road, Westwood. Some of you may recall that our Support Group used to meet at Pascack Valley Hospital many years ago.
Parking close to the front door – No stairs to climb – Free parking.
Meeting Room located on the main level immediately to the right of the door. We hope you will join us in October. Watch for future emails and updates.
You can find directions on the Hackensack University Medical Center North website http://www.hackensackumc.org/pascackvalley. Look for the Pascack Valley location on Old Hook Road –NOT the Hackensack location.
Thank you for your patience and continued participation.
Your Support Group Leaders
Categories: Breaking News
Medical Scholarship & High School Scholarship Applications have been posted on the Scholarship page
Categories: Breaking News
There have been reports of problems with the links below. Try the ones here or copy and past into address bar.
Categories: Breaking News, Uncategorized