Institute of Medicine Report issued 2/10/2105

Beyond Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Redefining an Illness

Read the Report

See a report brief here

Report key facts here

Summaries can be found on many sites including

The JAMA website:

The New York Times

National Academy of Sciences

“Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Is a Legitimate Disease That Needs Proper Diagnosis and Treatment, Says IOM” (National Academy of Science)

2015 High School Scholarship

NJMECFSA HS Scholarship Announcement 2015

Click to access full application details and announcement.

IACFSME Primer (Revised 2014)

The ME/CFS Primer for Clinical Practitioners (2014 revision) is available in both print and download versions at the IACFSME website. Click here. Primer

Research Tab Updated 10/12/2014

Click on Research Opps above.


IMPORTANT Effective September 1, 2014, the NJCFSA Helpline phone was discontinued and replaced by email address that can be used to ask questions.   For those who do not have email, perhaps you can have a friend send a note on your behalf or use a computer at a library.  Include your name, email and a number at which you can be reached (if you do not have email to receive a response) along with your question.  We apologize for any inconvenience.  HELP DESK –  If you are in crisis, seek emergency assistance – such as 911  or CONTACT We Care 1-800-SUICIDE.

Research Opportunity June 2014

Click on “Research Opps” tab above to see the latest research opportunity.  June 12, 2104

Crisis Contact Info

Click on the “Contact Us” tab above for CRISIS information.

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