Breaking News

NJCFSA Youth Center

OFFER (Organization for Fatigue & Fibromyalgia Education & Research), has given us permission to post links to their website sharing two helpful resources for children/adolescents with CFS/ME and/or FM.  OFFER, the well known Utah-based CFS/ME and/or Fibromyalgia organization, can be contacted at

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1002 E. South Temple, Suite 408,
Salt Lake City, UT 84102

A Kid’s Guide to Surviving and Succeeding in School with CFS & FMS, was compiled by a teen with CFS. The link follows: BIG GUIDE 2.pdf.

A very informative education meeting video that was filmed in December, 2008 featuring a youth panel comprised of kids from 17 to 24 who have been diagnosed with CFS and/or FM can be found at the following link:

We would like to thank OFFER for providing these informative resources.
