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NJCFSA Youth Center

OFFER (Organization for Fatigue & Fibromyalgia Education & Research), has given us permission to post links to their website sharing two helpful resources for children/adolescents with CFS/ME and/or FM.  OFFER, the well known Utah-based CFS/ME and/or Fibromyalgia organization, can be contacted at

y Itchy Scalp & Dandruff Causes & Remedies'>No More Dry Scalp – Dry Itchy Scalp & Dandruff Causes & Remedies


1002 E. South Temple, Suite 408,
Salt Lake City, UT 84102

A Kid’s Guide to Surviving and Succeeding in School with CFS & FMS, was compiled by a teen with CFS. The link follows: BIG GUIDE 2.pdf.

A very informative education meeting video that was filmed in December, 2008 featuring a youth panel comprised of kids from 17 to 24 who have been diagnosed with CFS and/or FM can be found at the following link:

We would like to thank OFFER for providing these informative resources.



A new case definition from the International Association for CFS/ME has been published in the Journal of CFS. Dr. Leonard Jason, the lead author, has kindly granted NJCFSA permission to post it on our website. Click here to download and print a copy.

An article discussing the new pediatric case definition and authored by NJCFSA Trustees Dr. Ken Friedman and Dr. Rosemary Underhill was recently published in The New Jersey Pediatrician (vol. 32, pp. 17-18). The New Jersey Chapter of the American Association of Pediatricians e-mailed a copy to all their members and kindly

gave NJCFSA permission to publish it on the website:
The New Jersey Pediatrician, Volume 32

In addition, Drs. Friedman and Underhill co-authored an article on Pediatric CFS directed at education professionals in the New Jersey Education Association's October 2007 edition of the NJEA Review. It is available here, reprinted with the kind permission of NJEA.

Ken Friedman gave a presentation on the new case definition of Pediatric CFS to the New Jersey Division of Youth and Family Service. He has given permission for a version to be posted:
The ABC's of CFS to DYFS
