If you are interested in starting a support group in your area, contact us for information.
If you are conducting a support group and would like to join your group to the NJCFSA, please contact us for information.
Please check with individual groups for latest meeting information
NJCFSA Support Groups
Bergen County ME/CFS/FM Support Group
This group currently meets only on Zoom. Meetings on the 4th Sunday of each month at 4pm.
Meetings can also be accessed by phone. There are no meetings in July or August.
Meeting announcements go out from our Google website to anyone who is a member of the group.
Bergen group website: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/BergenCFS-FMSmtg/info .
Sign up to receive online newsletter, meeting reminders and occasional articles of interest.
All mailings sent blind copy. .asp
For more info: ngv.njcfsa@verizon.net, pcl.njcfsa@gmail.com, NJMECFSA, Helpdesk@ njmecfsa.org
ANNOUNCEMENT: The Bergen Support Group is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting: Join Zoom Meeting at:
Meeting ID: 857 0156 7989
Passcode: 635647
OR, if you have downloaded the zoom app on your laptop, iPad, or cell phone, you can open the app and click on “Join Meeting,” then enter the above meeting ID and PW.
OR, you can also dial in by phone, by calling: +1 646 876 9923 US (New York area code)
Remember to turn on your audio and video (if desired).
Once you are signed in, if you click on the “Participants” button on the bottom of the screen, you will be able to see a list of all participants on the right side of the screen.
Please be respectful when others are talking. If there are too many people on the call, we will likely mute everyone and ask you to raise your hand when you wish to speak.
We hope you will join us on our next Zoom meeting!
– The Bergen ME/CFS-FM-MCS Support Group Co-Leaders
Morris County ME/CFS/FM Support Group
Meetings are held monthly – on 2nd Sat. 2-3:30
Info: Patty Strunck – pstrunck@optonline.net or NJCFSA-Helpdesk@njcfsa.org